1: Changes

We constantly pick away at ourselves trying to figure out what we need to change. We rarely praise ourselves, recognize our strengths and give ourselves credit for the things we do. Lately life has been go, go, go so I really haven’t been able to stop and reflect on what I need to change, nor have I given myself the praise.

I’m very proud of myself and my accomplishments the last few months. I am finally getting settled into my marriage and into my first career-type position. I have survived my first busy season at work and am ready for things to calm down for a bit. With that being said, I want to refocus on my personal life.

My personal life is really lacking one major element: structure. I need to restructure my personal life in a way that will benefit my emotional and physical health. The most significant of those being my health, ie. my weight.

I’m ready to change my weight for the rest of my life. I have struggled for 22 years, 8 months and 27 days and it has to stop. I want this for myself, my husband, my happiness, my career and my future children. I am now married and responsible for 50% of a household. It’s really time for me to grow up and feel like the amazing woman that I am.

Today I joined Weight Watchers online, tomorrow I will track all my points online. In the next few days I will start going to the gym again and on Sunday we will be going to our first Weight Watchers meeting. Collectively we plan to lose 80+ pounds. I plan to blog meals, snacks and every day activity. My husband will join me and together WE CAN DO IT.

I love you honey and I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together! Go team Ratajczak – Fit Wifey & Fit Hubby!